I’m writing this post is to provide you with necessary information to guide you before joining the profitable MMM Nigeria community.
- MMM is a global mutual aid community.
- MMM is social financial donation exchange network.
- MMM is a million and million community of people who have agreed to willingly extend financial helping hands to each other via donation.
- MMM is not a bank.
- MMM is not an investment.
- MMM is not a business but simply a community of people helping each other financially.
- MMM has no central pocket where money is been deposited.. Transactions are done peer to peer
- MMM managed by the community that is Me and You.. We just have a technical program that regulates what we do and what we can't do. The technical system controls how much we can ask as help or withdraw and how much we can provide as help or deposit
1. Provide Help
2. Get Help
3. Technical Basic Programme
A Provider of Help is someone who has pledged to give financial help in the community. He /she can also be a receiver of help, when he/she has extended a financial helping hand to someone in the community.
A Receiver of Help is a member or participant who has already extended a helping hand or provided help. He/she is qualified to receive help from the community.
The Technical Basic Programme controls the activities of the Provider of Help (PH) and the Receiver of Help (GH).
So basically, MMM does not have any central pocket where all money deposits or donations go into because all donations are done peer-to-peer. How do I mean? Donations are done via member to member transfer into their bank accounts.
How Does It Work?
You know about the popular word 'Contribution' where people contribute money to one person and there's a book where everyone's name is written. When it gets to your turn; everybody's money is given to you.
In MMM, we make pledges to donate our SPARE money to members who need the money. We do so by logging into our MMM account (Personal Office) to make the pledge. We join the queue of people who have made pledges after making the pledge.
We ONLY make pledges. We don't gather our pledges to give to one person. In MMM there is no CENTRAL ACCOUNT (No bank account where all our pledges are paid into). Members transfer money directly to each other.
Now, if a member in the community who has already made a pledge to provide financial help to another member and has fulfilled his pledge now needs help, he does that by logging into his MMM account (Personal Office) to say so.
The system automatically connect him with the person in the queue for providing help (PH). If it's your turn on the queue to provide help; when you log into your Personal Office, you will receive the details of the person to provide financial help to.
As soon as you pay the money directly into the recipient bank account and that person acknowledges he has received the money, you are now qualified to receive help.
You then log into your personal office to ask for financial help. Someone/people in the queue whose turn it is to provide help will be assigned to pay you 30% of the donation you provided + the donation money itself. For instance, you provided help of N20,000 you will get help of N26,000(Your N10,000 plus 30% bonus).
How do I join MMM Nigeria Community?
I can register you if you kindly provide your Full Name, official phone number and active email address and send your registration details to your mail ASAP.
You can register on your own via MMM official website (www.nigeria-mmm.net).
For more clarifications,info and questions, please Call / WhatsApp +2348168314572 or leave comment below.
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